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Brand Story

Champion Herbs is the U.S. subsidiary of parent company, China Tea Group, Ltd., China’s largest tea exporter and the world leader in green tea exports. With over 65 years’ experience as a leader in the tea industry, the company exports more than 40,000 tons of tea annually including: green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, puerh tea, scented tea, special gourmet tea and intensive processed tea products. By inheriting the essence of the 4,000 year old Chinese tea culture, our group has integrated the traditional tea processing crafts with the modern technique, developing new tea products to meet the needs of modern society. We ensure that the quality is true to authentic Chinese tradition and we keep prices low.


We strictly monitor each step from planting, harvesting and packing to ensure the quality and integrity of our products. Our clients find that we are able to provide superior products for a lower price. As a result we are able to assist in increasing their tea sales by improving the selection, quality and price yielding greater profits at an enhanced margin.


Also, Mrs. Ngai is known as a Master Tea Taster and health advocate. She was born in a tea family in Fujian, China. The aroma of tea accompanied her childhood. For her, tea is not just a kind of beverages, but a feeling of home, and a symbol of culture. Last year, Mrs. Ngai traveled back to China, and spent half of a year to visit different kinds of tea plantations and health food factories. Her drive and passion for expanding people’s tea knowledge and helping people healthy made her get support from tea farmers and health food distributors. Therefore, at the beginning of 2015, Mrs. Ngai founded Champion Herbs.

Champion Herbs offers Customized Tea Menus, Retail Tea products and health food, Wholesale tea products and health food, Training classes and expert consultation.